I keep meaning to write down what he can say so I figure if I do it here, at least I won't forget! As of right now, Eli can say:
Oh no! (my favorite)
Dog & doggie
Aya (Ava)
Na (Noah)
Tht (That)
Nana (banana)
Boh Boh (kiss in Korean)
Woof, Woof!
Signs please, more, all-done & anyoung (the bow in Korean)
He is walking, running, climbing and falling... a lot! He can get on the couch and chairs without help which is just super. He pretty much thinks he can do whatever the big kids can do!
He has 4 full teeth and 4 more that have just come through. That is not his most enjoyable activity! He loves nodding his head & shaking it.
He loves, loves, loves books. And has been a little snugly lately - even if I'm holding something or someone else, he makes it clear that I should be holding him! :) He is a fun kiddo.
Ok, new word -Kesa. I know Nekesa might be too hard...:)