Monday, October 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Party

October 27 12 B (40) by nathan_katrina
October 27 12 B (40), a photo by nathan_katrina on Flickr.

Thanks to everyone who made it to the Bronx Zoo to help us celebrate. We had a fantastic time!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

3 years

I honestly cannot believe that the twins turned 3 today!  How did this:

Turn into this?

Here a few lessons I've learned. 
  • Toys and books being misplaced or misappropriated constitutes an emergency everytime. 
  • They are literally sponges, except, of course, when it comes to absorbing liquids, they can spill those pretty easily. 
  • They need to know everything, which is why they ask so many questions.  I can only assume they are preparing for their teenage years during which they will reach the pinicle of their knowledge and know everything, with a particular emphasis on all of the things we couldn't possibly know. 
  • Time outs for kids are ok.  Time out for toys, even better. 
  • They want to help but as they get older and wiser they want to actually help... which isn't as helpful as you'd imagine.
  • The first President was George Washington.  Our President is Broccoli Omamma. 
  • When in doubt, trust the Force.  "This is not the toy you are looking for.  You should move on." 
In all seriousness, these kids are wonderful and we love them so much.  They are amazing kids and great older siblings.  But I am hoping that the next 3 years involve more sleep!  :)